Friday, November 30, 2012

Gentle Aggression

His thoughts, his heart, his openness got me for real.

I'm thinking "I like you a lot...a lot a lot and I want to build a great friendship."

...also thinking "I know you're fragile, not that reflecting weakness, but that from which the past has delivered, a harshness that has shattered the very foundation where you placed your trust. Those pieces, I want to handle them with I do you."

Kindred spirits evenly placed.

No Sleep!

Today may be one of those rare occasions when I drop like 10 posts in one day. I can feel it in the air. Every year I look back, scratch that, everyday I look back and count my blessings. I've met some beautiful and not so beautiful people in a short period of time. Every encounter has been a valuable lesson none the less. No one enjoys the pain that comes with this journey, in fact there are times when I dread the "thought" of it. Who doesn't though? There are days when I think, "Yes! I got it!" and others where I just want to hit the refresh/restart button. I will say this though, the feeling of being "Loved" couldn't be any better, and I'm talking starting with self. I don't only see the transformation, I feel it and I will it. I wouldn't trade this experience in for the world. Everyday is a new start and for that I am eternally grateful!

Starting Over

I will soon be performing again :) I am elated, nervous, thankful, nervous but relaxed at the same time. Did I say nervous? lol Yes I hope to meet many new people. Stepping out my comfort zone once again never hurt so good.


Goes extremely too fast for my liking. It's been over year. Shame, shame, shame.

Zoned out. I may start writing again. I figure I can throw the rumblings of my spirit into the universe once again. What will come of this? I honestly don't know. All I know is that I'm searching, quietly but surely. One day I will learn is too little too much? Or too much really too little?

Less is more right? More or less I hope the Most High grants me wisdom and forgives me of my short comings.