Monday, March 18, 2013

As One

27 years without intimacy, and they say you can't miss something you never had, well I'd like to say that statement is false, at least on my behalf. You can't tell me that the Most High didn't create us to love or to have someone share this journey with. The older I get, the more apparent this becomes. I understand that we are alone within ourselves and walk a separate path but within that we can share our hearts, our souls, our time to grow with one another. To me that is beautiful. The desire to love and want to be loved cannot be extinguished from my heart and at times these thoughts make me weary in spirit, yet not enough to give up hope.

Wherever and whoever you are, heart has been seeking. At times I feel like I met you ( I Know I Have) then you re-assure me that it is not so, I believe because of fear. If someone is willing to love you then why shut it down? If he or she is saying "I want to give you my love" then why turn your face and later petition that you are open and ready? Such conflicting statements. I am still willing.

It is good to receive as well as give. Allow that person to be a blessing to you. You are worthy and deserving. A person will only petition for so long before it turns into heartbreak.

I am pretty sure I have much more that needs to be said. I'll just leave it as an incomplete thought and let my tears speak the rest.

Much Love
