Friday, January 18, 2013

Who Are You?


Some people will literally try to break your spirit, whether it is planting seeds of doubt in your dream, trying to alter your views with the notion that theirs are "superior" in a sense, or surrounding themselves with such negativity that it becomes who they are. I sincerely feel for sad for these souls, instead of being free to be who they want, they are man pleasers. We all have our inner struggles, that is understandable but for one to become so embittered  that one needs to impose his or her bitterness on those surrounding, is a damn shame. Be who you are called to be : Yourself. I am a God fearing woman, yet I refuse to have any individual or religion confine and define who I am. The definition of happiness is different for everyone so stop looking for those around you to provide this. Find your path, discover what makes you glow and smile. It is more difficult to live vicariously through another individual than it is to discover the diamond inside of yourself.  Fear and ignorance will have you doing all kinds of crazy things. How about you open your mind... or better yet your heart. EMPATHY. Change starts inside and works it's way to the outer. Stop trying to cut, shape and mold others when YOU yourself haven't been in the fire long enough. 

As it is said, Be the change you wish to see...or be silent.

Much Love. 
