Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dreamers Road

Where do I begin? I feel like I am starting over, standing on square one. This familiar place is an uneasy one and to be honest I'm not sure what the next step will be. I say God willing, I will have things in place tomorrow but we both know tomorrow isn't promised. I want to remove myself from this type of thinking and act now. There was a choice provided to me recently, that I could move to the west-coast and attend school there. I tried explaining that  it may be unwise considering the amount of debt I would accumulate would not translate into a career, seeing as I am already doing my music. A degree in it? Possibly 80 to 90 grand under for a degree as a "Artist"? Where do they do that at? What is the job market like? You feel me? That is reality. I am attending school for something totally different at the moment. My heart jumped at the thought to going to LA and having endless opportunities but this may not be the route. I've been here before just at a different time and mindset. I understand take risks but there is also something called Wisdom knocking at my door.  I have to find a way to elevate from where I am because it's not looking good at all.

Much Peace to the dreamers. I want live mine but don't know how.


Concrete Cee said...

Man. I can only say I feel you lots on this right here. Shoot, the "how" question is what is killing me too.

And I as well see very little prospect in my own city anymore, even though it is the epitome of a melting pot of scenes and cultures.
Also bound to school for at least one more year, then making money is like an absolute priority cause I must start gaining yardage. And quick. It is like every year passes faster, the older I get, and I hate it when people give me that "you're still young" BS. It does not matter how old or young I am. I got this one life and I had better make the most of it.

All I can really say is, I'm understanding where you come from and please keep going for yours. If despair knocks, tell him "thanks for bringing urgency and defiance along".

Peace to you.