Saturday, December 15, 2012

Freedom from the Internal and External Chains

Doing some cleansing physical and spiritually with the strength of the Most High, I WILL be successful. I'm at the age where what I put in my body affects me almost immediately. I can no longer devour some of my favorite foods without the repercussions. Sometimes I'm stubborn and will eat them anyway smh. It's battle of the "Sweet-tooth"! I decided to juice fast for a month or longer. I do this often, it keeps me on key. It allows me to focus not only what I put in my body but also what I allow in my mind and spirit. The awareness is more potent in my opinion. I will be doing an update video when I am near the halfway mark, Day 15.  It is already Day time flies! I will let you know how I am doing and feeling through the whole process. This is not my first time on this journey, I actually begin to implement this into my lifestyle two years ago. I battled with my weight for at least half of my life to the point where I had mental breakdowns, suffered severe depression (sometimes it still shows it's face), and medical issues to the point where it almost cost me my life. I am blessed to be here. I've lost about 100 lbs ( I was 235) and honestly I don't plan on ever going back...ever. Yo, comparing how I feel NOW and THEN are worlds apart...straight up.  I found freedom through Juice fasting. Fasting in general is beautiful, it's been around since the beginning of time and the benefits are amazing. 

How I came across the whole process...well I always understood fasting from a biblical standpoint, scratch that I thought I did. I didn't know there were many types of fasting. I simply hit up google and looked up as much literature as possible on it and was blessed/enlightened by it. 

Here is just one of the sites I came across, there are so many more and the historical/cultural understanding behind it is also amazing. Much Love Y'all!