Friday, December 14, 2012

It's a New Day and Nobody Knows My Name

I released some new music today. Some people may be familiar with it since I have a compulsive problem with releasing music before the "official" release. I know...I'm working on it lol. Sometimes I feel like I can't wait I want the world to hear it NOW.  I like it. Now if I was signed to a label that would be a different story :). 

Let me give you a little backdrop behind these projects starting with New Day. This is a collaborative EP that I have been working on since mid year. I've wanted to do a project where it features other artists. I recall talking to one of my friends and he said, "This album (referring to his own) I think I'll do it Ensilence style...where it's just all me, no features". We laughed about it and later I went back and looked through my discography and I really didn't have many features. This is wasn't on purpose, it just happens that I record in spurts and I release. From then on I was like this next project has to be with all the dope artists I vibe with and to be honest sometimes I'm a little teeny tiny bit intimidated to ask them. I know....ridiculous right? My mind works that way sometimes...a lot of times against me. I was blessed to have the opportunity to work with eight DOPE MC's: Cayoz, Spliz, Frigid Giant, Moemaw Naedon, Tryf Bindope, Concrete Cee, Idasa Tariq, and Yorel Tifsim. I am so honored to have them on this project! I would love to do another sometime in the near future. Nothing feels better than building with other great artists. Thank you guys so much!

Now onto the next EP, Nobody Knows My Name. This one is basically just loose leaf tracks I compiled after Exile which was actually  for the original project, New Day but I changed the format of how I wanted to present it at the last minute. I'm very satisfied by the turnout because I thought I wasn't going to get it out before the end of this year due to my procrastination.

Behind The Names: One of the hardest things for me to do is come up with titles, whether for songs or albums, it is a struggle!  I have no clue why this all.  For New Day, to me it was just a basic concept of "let's start over and refresh." That is the type of mindset that I like to wake up with by giving thanks and saying this is a new beginning.

Nobody Knows My Name stems from that actual statement lol. It's also the name of a book from a great writer by the name of James Baldwin. When I started to get into "heavy reading" back when, I was introduced through his literature and was blown away. Such a great thinker which reminds me, I need to get back to my reading. iIt brings such an awakening that it's unreal.

You can check out the new music at my bandcamp page here: Also it's Free!

Much Love and thank you for the support